Netra management committee president, G. Vijay Kumar, his spouse, Committee members Smt. Gayathri and Smt. Geethanjali, along with Principal J Satya Narayana Reddy, unboxed and launched 12 new laptops donated by “Give India” organization through Tech-giant Amazon e-business portal on the occasion of the 74th Republic Day. The laptops were configured with i5, 8GB DDR4, 256 GB SSD, Windows 11, and Microsoft Office.
During the event, G. Vijay Kumar thanked Amazon and Give India for their generous donation and Prudvi Reddy, an Amazon employee, for helping to get the laptops into the college. He urged the students to use the laptops with care and in a proper way. He also asked if the students had any problems in the college to which they replied in the negative. The president assured them that the management committee would support them in any concern they have and advised them to focus on their studies.
The students, principal, and staff expressed their gratitude towards G. Vijay Kumar for his efforts in securing the donation of laptops. The highly-configured and quality laptops are expected to help the students in finishing their examinations within the allotted time.