Education For Blind – Nethra Vidyalaya
Nethra Vidyalaya Institutions
Location : Varija, Visakhapatnam Classes : I to X

✤ Free Quality Education
✤ Free Boarding and Lodging
✤ Eligible Age: 5 to 15
✤ National Level Achievers in
Junior College
Location : Jiva, Hyderabad Courses : HEC and CEC

✤ Education Through Laptops
✤ Eligibility: X Standard
✤ Recognised by Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education
✤ State Level Cricket and Chess Champions
Degree College
Location : Jiva, Hyderabad Courses : BA (HEP), B.Com (Comp)

✤ Education through Laptops
✤ Eligibility: Class XII Graduates
✤ Vocational Training
✤ Soft Skills Training and Job Oriented Courses
Nethra Vidyalaya Accomplishments
- Nethra Wins Para Athlete Overall championship, 25 Gold and many more
- Nethra students won 38 Medals in National sports
- Champions of champions – Nethra students win 9 Gold in ATTF Games 2019
- First time Ever – Visually Challenged students feat in Republic Day Parade 2019
- Nethra students win 32 medals and a Team championship award in IBSA sports meet
- First prize in Paduthatheeyaga singing program at state level competition competing with general participants.
- Nethraites showed excellent result in SSC, 100% pass rate in degree results. PG Top Ranks in Top Universities.
- Our Nethra Students are now serving as Panchayati raj junior secretary, Bank managers, Teachers, Business leads and many more.


78% of the Graduates Successfully Employed while the rest are pursuing Post Graduation !

First in the World Where Students Give their Exams on Laptops using JAWS software !

1855+ students are now more confident and independent !
Our Students are TOPPERS in every aspect
I was first batch student of Nethra Vidyalaya Degree College completed graduation in was appointed as Probationary Officer in State Bank of Hyderabad.
I’m Devraj, studying Intermediate 2nd Year with CEC group . I’m from Ananthpur District.I speak with my seniors when i get holidays,and they told me, Here we get more benefits such as Computer skills,spoken English and Chanting slokas. They told me if we get com puter training and computer skills we can do any job in any company. Every Company is using Modern technology and Spoken English is also more important in Modern society. When we compare others like those who are studying in English Medium outside,they can’t speak good English. So here we can speak good English with the help of teachers and chanting slokas also. They advised me if we join here ,we can achieve any thing, We can speak English and we get training how to operate computer also.
I’m Surender, studied M.A., M.E.D by the blessings of swamiji. I’m also a Visually impaired.I studied intermediate in New Junior Government college at Malakpet. After I completed Degree in Nizam college I thought that it would be better if there is a special college for blind, but no one can do that. I suffered more when I was in general colleges. Later on, I came to the college which is a Special college established by Sri Swamiji in 2007. I have been working here, Swamiji brought a special software called Jaws, a screen reading soft ware from foreign countries . There’s an accessesability in Braille, all languages can be written in Braille.we are also using aids to teach the children those will be embossed for example a graph could be easily explained by making students touch the aid.

I am Paruchuri Venkatesh X student of our Nethra Vidyalaya School, Nethra Vidyalayam Juniour college and Netra Vidyalayam Degree college.
I have studied between 2004 to 2013, 9 years I was there.
So After completion my education You were given opportunity me to learning and doing job in Bangalore SOA IT Solutions, So Successfully completed intouermship program and Recently I got job in State bank of Mysur as a Probationary officer in Rajahmundry branch.
So with the help of your’s strong blessings I can handle my life Swamiji.
So Once again Thankfull to swamiji for providing wonderful life and
also Visually challenged people.
When I was started in Netra vidyalaya high school, I had learned so
many things, Such as spiritual activities giving respect to each and
every one, games, lessons and help and service to who ever needs.
So please bless me swamiji, I want to be a good helper for who
requires taking wants getting benefits from my side.
Warm regards: Venkatesh Paruchuri